Wednesday 3 January 2007

Day 3

A cocoon of cloud chandelier
bathes my room
with rippled light
tied and twisted cloth
wrapped and unwrapped
in bundles
drape my bed
baroque scrolls at my head and feet
pillows of lace bows and oriental scarves
with vintage birds in tea colors
lace edged crisped linen sheets
a pleasant place to be
to rest and dream
and think
of happy days
children laughing
running in the wind
playing with the sea
teasing the waves
with their fun and run
dreaming of castles in the sky
learning with castles in the sand
drawing names and loves
as waves wash by
a pleasant place to be
the chandelier sparkles
eyes sleep heavy slowly close
drifting now upon the sea
the moon shines down
sleep captured
a pleasant place to be

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