Monday 1 January 2007

Day 1

'Its just like a dream with no end or beginning'.....
Madonna burbles in the background
I take another sip of tea and contemplate reading The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupery for the sixth time today
The light is fading fast outside, I light the fire flames leap and dance and shadows are cast on regency ceilings and roccocco carved plaster frieze...pause a moment passes. Snuggle into the fake fur throw on my sofa and watch the twilight winter sky, through tall french windows that open onto the balcony. Sparkling flickering lights glow on what remains of the christmas tree, chandelier glass, glints in shades of blue, purple and pink, small pink, tinny birds with feather tales and swirls of sparkle and glitter, pendents of glass with pearls, and beautiful crystal angels leaping from branch to branch. A fairytale existence of mellow light and sounds and tastes.Reality seems along way away.
Madonna chimes again...
"just like a dream you wonder what you see".

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